Gökotta Thursday

Gökotta Thursday

Oh so worth it!
I use to think happiness was my default setting and then I realized, it’s something that I nurture.  It’s the act of discipline and effort. It’s finding joy in everyday.
It’s knowing things I didn’t plan will happen, some good and some not. It’s having the patience and calm to activate happy.
It’s sitting outside on the patio with Riley last evening just looking up at the heavens and knowing just a little piece is right here with us. It’s getting up to hear the birds sing their morning songs.
It’s talking to friends on the phone to catch up and laugh.
It’s looking into those dark brown eyes of my Riley and knowing how much love we share for each other.
Our home remains our haven. It feels so good that I don’t want to leave it. Oh, I do enjoy going out and finding new places to eat at, especially this time of year when we can sit outside. And of course I have some favorites that are in my GPS for a repeat performance to eat or put in a little shopping time!
And then my favorite thing; coming back home!
I keep saying it, we are having a really wonderful Autumn season this year. Cool days mixed in with a warm one every now and then. No complaints here!
Abundant fruit comes when we assume the right posture. There are no magic formulas or words that can transform our lives. The real power comes from God. Trusting in Jesus.

“God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
Oh he knows the posture of my heart, and yours.
And that brings me happiness, for sure.
Autumn is my extravagant friend that keeps giving and showing me the true signs of love and joy wrapped up in nature that I wake up to every day.
Wishing you a glorious Autumn day!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie