Good-bye November

Good-bye November!
Your last day was a glorious one!
After a day of constant rain, an evening with a fire in the fireplace and some Thanksgiving leftovers, we woke up to blue blue skies and warm temps. A total cleansing for sure.
Good-bye November. You did good!

Just as our seasons have endurance , so do I!
It is well with my soul.

The cycle of seasons and life are precious, for sure. His love is the reason for my hope. My faith seems to flourish, even in hardships; I am believer! I want to live a life worthy of his call.

God leads with love. His love which comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith that fills me.

It’s exciting and amazing that we are just about to usher in December; Christmas and all the holidays it brings.
Definitely one of my favorite times of the year! My mother who was born on December 25th, remains a constant reminder to me of the many blessings this coming month. She may not be here in the physical sense, oh but her spirit is alive in me.
I believe faith is not a feeling; it’s a choice against our feelings, sometimes against every feeling in our being to believe in the revelation of God in Jesus Christ.

And I know His love will reach me where I am.

May the Lord be with your spirit. And may His grace be with you.

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

So it’s good-bye November; until next year!