Goodbye 2019

Goodbye 2019

I no longer look at the end of a year or decade as cruel or merciless.
And no, not because of my rose color glasses …… I know that time keeps moving. A few more (Ahem) grey hairs, a smidge more wrinkles around my eyes and some days I think I actually need to oil my knees to stop the squeaking ……

Yet, I believe the passage of time represents not a process of decay, but rather a process of fulfillment and consummation.

Time is what we go through to arrive at our destiny. The passage of time is the marking of our human life stepping towards the end for which it was made, namely; the true love of God for eternity. And I believe we can choose to live our life in time, ‘well’,  and so enter eternity prepared to see the face of God and live.
We can choose to live our time, ‘badly’, thereby fate-ing ourselves to an eternity without light, without love and most certainly without joy.

What we say and what we do with our time will determine how we live timelessness.
And just like in 2019 …… in 2020, there will be plenty of music, dancing and worship in our home!

I am excited and will celebrate the close of one year and the beginning of another, with my mind focused on the One who has brought me through the past year and who opens to me another year …… of life.

God is within her. She will not fail. (Psalms 46:5)
She who kneels before God can stand before anyone. (Romans 8:31)

Riley and I wish you a blessed New Years and look forward to sharing 2020 with y’all!

Peace be with you.

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie