Goodbye 2020

Goodbye 2020

Like so many, I feel like I could write a book about the 2020 pandemic and how it effectively changed our lives.  And yes, until we are all vaccinated, we are still so vulnerable yet there is something about new beginnings and chances to learn that is always exciting to me.
I believe my innate desire to get better, go further, and stretch myself stems from God.

I will let go of negativity – This means literally transferring every thought that whispers ‘I can’t do that,’ or ‘I wish I was her,’ or ‘ I’ll never get this right,’ and handing it over to the Lord.
I will let go of unhealthy relationships – relationships that are unhealthy bring toxicity to our lives. They are also a drain on our energy. Even Jesus said ‘no’, he had to be alone at times with nature and God.
Life is too short to give fear, regret, bad habits or anything outside of God’s Will for me, a place in this next year. I will run towards this next season, free of anything that holds me down, and embrace newness and freedom.
I love New Years!
Letting go of the ‘old’ things and habits I want to change. (And yes, many times in order to evolve and be closer to our best selves, we have to let go of some things, and even experience some growing pains.)
I am all in.
Plus I love champagne!
My running shoes are on and I am heading into 2021.
(Jesus is with me)

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, Please continue to walk alongside me and light my path. I pray for increased faith and the strength to say no to wrongful patterns of thinking. I accept your will for my life.