Happy Decem-brrrrr

Happy Decem-brrrrr!

This is a Decem-brrrrr to remember, for sure.
We get to snuggle inside while it’s bitter cold outside. And it’s kinda hard to believe, they are predicting near 70’s are just around the corner, yippee.
Even though Riley looks so adorable in his new coat and sweater, I think he prefers it to be a smidge warmer so I quit putting them on him, Ha!
TBT, he is being such a good sport about it …… it’s that cold or he knows that his momma ain’t giving in this year.
This morning there were two red cardinals on the fence top. They did a little swoop toward Riley then perched themselves up in the tree above him before taking off. Beautiful indeed!
And something tells me, we will be lighting the fireplace a little early today and keep it going until bedtime. Hey, it’s such a blessing to have one.
It’s super special to have the Christmas tree lights on with a fire going in the middle of the day! But my flip flops are on the stand by for later this week, teehee.
It’s a Happy Decem-brrrrr kind of day.
Love, Joy and Peace from our home to yours.

Off-Duty –