Happy Homebody

Happy Homebody!
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Yes please. And not ashamed to say it.
A little walk in the neighborhood with Riley, oh he was definitely one happy little boy this morning. As I continued with my walk, I was happy too!
Dare I say, I have the perfect little Scottie. He loves to run and chase squirrels in the back yard and then is very content chilling out inside with me.
He gets me …… and I get him!
A little breakfast and savoring my coffee as we listen to the birds sing to us.
Our home is our sanctuary. Simple routines this Fall has been calming and cozy and I wish these days would last for a very long ย time.
And if they don’t, hence the daily routine’s …… every season I create new ones.
Some may say I get a little obsessed …… hey life is short …… my health and spiritual well-being are not things I take for granted.
Plus, being retired does not mean you can’t have goals. I look at them as delights of my life. And anyhoo, simple routines will change your perspective …… well it does for me!
And that makes me happy.
Not every day is the same. Some mornings are quiet as I sip my coffee. Music and candles fill the room and light reading brings me to the calmness of life. And some days the music is blasting through the house and I got my dancing shoes on!
This homebody is happy!
No matter which season we are in, there are special routines you can create. It’s all about being intentional.
So in Texas, we might not be able to pull out our sweaters quite yet, but the Fall season is here and the coziness is in my heart and home.
Yep, call me Happy Homebody
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Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie