Happy Monday, Definitely

Happy Monday, Definitely!

What do you call a person who is happy on Monday ……retired!
Now after yesterday’s church service, I was already on a high and just knew the week was only going to get better. A little cool weather to start the day and looks like we are going to have it for several days. What a welcomed gift.
Well, I’m not quite ready to go all out and turn the air conditioner off but the tease is on!
Coffee on the patio with a little blankie and Riley by my side,  dreams do come true.
And Monday nite football with the Cowboys, pinch me.
There is something about the Fall season that makes me so excited to celebrate all the joys it has to offer. Cooler temps, pumpkins and ghords oh my and of course cozy nites with a fire. And even though I know I need to wait a bit, it will be so worth it!
And speaking of WoW ……
Yep, yesterday’s  church service was so so special. Honestly most weeks are and yet there are some that go deep, deep and deeper.
When I am reminded that I am not the same person I was 10 years ago, not 5 years ago, not 1 year ago and most definitely not even a week ago. I know His love is life-changing.
It brings life. It brings love. It brings faith.
As we sit  outside this morning, nothing but the chirping of birds overhead, the sun is rising and the plants start to wake up. The lawn is a luscious green and probably so thankful for the retreat of the blaring summer heat.
Oh I won’t complain about the warm, ahem hot temps of Texas summertime. Because it always leads me into Fall. The cycles of our seasons reminds me to be thankful and enjoy the ride. Like sitting outside with my morning coffee. Soaking in the beauty that is right outside my back door. It’s amazing how the gorgeous tree out back symbolizes growth, strength and definitely deeply planted roots.
Her beautiful large green leaves have not started to turn the gold, red and oranges of the season, oh but they will!
Unlike me, who has already shifted into the Fall season. No, not full-on, yet, but the fuzzy socks and blankie have taken up residence with me this morning. And truth be told, my heart has moved on to this next season. Did someone say a car-ride with the sunroof open and music blaring is on tap for today …… oh Riley will be so happy!
It’s Happy Monday, Definitely!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for this new day full of love, hope and peace. My soul is on fire and my heart is free. My eyes sees the beauty of your power. May you be pleased with me. Amen.