Happy New Year, 2023

Happy New Year, 2023!
I will cherish memories of the past year.
And yeah, this past year had ups and downs (assets added to my experiences and guidance book of life) published and part of my soul. And because I know, that those past experiences are ‘priceless’. 
So now as I step, jump and dance into the new year, they are now ‘released’. And, I look forward to living my life each day of this new year, by recognizing each moment and blessing, because they are truly gifts.

This new year will be like a buffet of happiness.
Staying more in the flow of harmony and peace. Reading my bible everyday and be more in accord.  Oh I know that many will make new year’s goals (resolutions) that can be difficult at best but I know the one that I can and will do ……. love my Lord with all my heart …… and that puts my soul at rest!  
So from our home to yours, I raise my glass and Riley raises his paw to you and to 2023!
May it bring a new meaning to ‘living a good life’!

Dear God, I pray that in this new year, you continue to guide me on the path that is pleasing to you. Thank you for the sense of direction, purpose and peace by aligning my life with your Holy Spirit. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen. 