Happy Sunday

Happy Sunday! 

We have been experiencing some Fall-like temps (albeit) only for a few days, but it is sooooooo darn refreshing. Hey, when I get to break out the hoodies and socks to wear for our morning walks, me likey! 
And yes, Riley even has that extra ‘swagger’ in his steps. 
Chilly mornings are the best! 
Add in some Sunday football and the Rangers in the postseason, oh my. 
What’s that smell ……
 Oh yeah, pumpkin spice bread in the oven. It remains an old favorite of mine.  I just never get tired of it. 
And even though Riley is very independent, our ‘cuddle’ nites have been reprised and that is the best way to end the day. 
So you know that with each season, I love refreshing our surroundings. It was quite fun to finally say goodbye to summer and bring the cosy out. We started out a few weeks ago when we got our first tease of cooling temps but I have totally embraced it now. 
Quiet chilly nites on the patio when you need a little blankie speaks to my soul. And sometimes Riley needs a little persuasion to come in, Ha! 
And who can blame my little pumpkin …… the cool evening nites of Autumn have arrived! 
Happy Sunday y’all! 

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, As nature prepares for dormancy, there is a sense of joy, hope and peace that fills my heart. It remains a paradox to celebrate the coming and going of each season. May I continue to sit in stillness by allowing Your will to grant me the grace to know who I am. Your word provides tension, complexity and mystery; fueling my desire to explore and draw closer to you. Amen.