Happy Thursday

Wake Up!

It’s Happy Thursday,

all day long!

And in the great state of Texas, it is one magnificent morning.

Ever heard the saying ‘we manage to avoid being happy, struggling to be happy’?

Yep, life is not always easy.

But for me,

starting my day being thankful and grateful



So make today not just a day of giving thanks, (which is a must)

start a new tradition and make time to be mindful.

It’s not a matter of thinking more clearly,

it’s the mindful act of experiencing more clearly.

And if you are saying to yourself, how do I do that,

with all the items on my agenda for today.

Yep, I use to say the same thing ……

then I realized how really easy it was and now it’s part of who I am and I don’t even consider it something I gotta do


it’s part of who I am.

Baby steps will help ……

Do you have 10 minutes a day to feed your soul?

And if your answer is no ……

 Set your alarm 15 minutes early and no hitting the snooze.

Take 15 minutes during your lunch time.

Carve out 15 minutes at the end of the day, make it the last thing you do.

It really is so simple that I am embarrassed it took me so long to figure out!

Silence isn’t empty …… It’s full of answers.

I wish you a Happy Thursday, y’all!


Yep, my friend Friday just called

she’ll be here tomorrow


she is bringing the Wine!


(Co-pilot, Riley the Scottie)

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