Have a Blessed Friday ?

Good Friday
Good Friday

Hi y’all. Sending you beautiful blessings on this Good Friday, 2016.?

“God Can Bring Peace to your Past

Purpose to Your Present and Hope to your Future.” 

John 14:27

“Trust in the Lord with all your Heart, and Do Not Lean on your Own Understanding

In All your Ways Acknowledge Him, and He Will Make Straight your Paths.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

“Tears are Prayers Too

They Travel to God, When We Can’t Speak.”

Psalm 56:8

May God give you perspective on the things that frustrate you. May your heart of compassion grow for those who suffer in unimaginable ways. May you pray as passionately for them as you do for yourself. May God protect you from a small, selfish mindset. May He fill you up with thanksgiving and joy for the freedoms you enjoy! May He renew your resolve to be a grateful humble soul. And may He use you tomorrow in ways that surprise and bless you. ?

“The Peace of God Which Surpasses all Understanding, will Guard Your Hearts and Your Minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:7

“O’Lord my God, I Called to You for Help and You Healed Me.”

Psalm 30:2

“For God so Loved the World that He Gave his Only Son, so that Everyone Who Believes in Him May Not Perish but May Have Eternal Life.”

John 3:16

“Blessed are Those Who Have Not Seen and Yet Believe.”

John 20:29

“It is Finished.”

John 19:30

Wishing you a Blessed Good Friday, we remember. ?

Soulpilotgirl and her Co-pilot, Riley

Good Friday Cross

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