Have Your Pound Cake & Friday Too!

MARCH 2016

Hi y’all!

Oh my, it has been a while. And what a better day to get back on the blog horse …… then on a Friday and National Pound Cake Day ….. yippee!

So be sure to pick up a pound cake to share with your co-workers and family today. Give your boss an extra slice! And there is nothing better after dinner than a slice of pound cake with some hot cocoa, a cappuccino or yes even a glass of wine. ? ?

So,  can you believe it ……. it’s March already and almost officially Spring!  Now some of you are still experiencing winter days however down here in Texas spring is really in the air. Well, we are getting closer to it, cool nights and warmer days. ? ☀️

Spring time is one of the best times of the year! Our trees start to bloom out again, flowers poke up little by little and the grass is starting to green up and grow. ?? ?

And of course we are visiting the dog park more often. ??

Today is the perfect day to be happy ….. it’s Pound Cake Friday y’all!!  Now what rhymes with Friday ……

  • Mimosa’s
  • Champagne
  • A Bottle of Red Wine
  • A Large Frozen Margarita
  • Pound Cake

Well you get the picture …… It’s Friday y’all!  Cheers to Fridays and Friendships!

It’s Friday – I am alive, I am breathing, I am blessed!

On this special Pound Cake Friday,

Give thanks, Be kind and warm the Souls around you.

Riley and I wish you a very special Pound Cake Friday with sprinkles and we’d love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof. ??

Co-Pilot Riley the Scottie
Riley the Scottie
Co-Pilot Riley the Scottie
Riley the Scottie






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