Heart on Fire Friday

Heart on Fire Friday

Yep, a day of clouds and rain is the perfect ending to this week!
Candle burning, music on, Pumpkin Bread in the oven and Riley napping.
Home Sweet Home!
Today’s rain is a welcome gift. I spend yesterday morning doing my fall-cleanup for my flower beds and wow, they look fabulous! Add a little mulch next week and they will be ready for winter. And even though our Fall season has been so perfect, you just never know when the cold blast will hit and decide to stay.
Went to a home cooking party last night. Great food, wine and met some wonderful people. Oh it wasn’t all females, you know many men love and enjoy cooking too!
The recipes were so yummy and I will definitely be making them soon.
Heart on Fire Friday!
It’s so fun to get caught up in the moment.
Take it all in and give thanks, for sure.
I believe.

As long as I am breathing, I will never lose hope. I have seen the miracles in my own life.
Oh Positivity is ‘pollyanna’, as some would say. And that is just what many say to those of us who remain hopeful.
Things are changing all the time; shifting, moving, bending, breaking and most importantly healing every day. Of course I have had errors in judgment before; which is not wanting to trust the natural unfolding of my life. You know, trusting the process.
But I know, it’s not about me.
It’s about the One who gave it all.
My happiness will not be taken away by circumstances. So as the winds and waves of life hits and they will, He keeps me in perfect peace.
Enjoying this life, surrendering what I can’t control and letting the natural love, peace and kindness flow from within!
Heart on Fire Friday!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you. Amen.