Heart on Fire, Friday

Heart on Fire, Friday! 

A little misty this morning turned into a fairly warm afternoon. So Riley and I switched up our neighborhood walk and then a cup of coffee listening to music as the Christmas tree lights sparkle. 
Heart on Fire, Friday – most definitely! 
There is Joy – morning, noon and evening. 
He is not done yet. 

You know, I wake up happy. I don’t wait to see what kind of day I will have. Especially this month when the Christmas tree lights get turned on even before the coffee is brewed. 
You know the fire in our hearts will burned down any obstacle that comes our way. 
Add a little music and watch out …… the chains are broken! 
He has painted a silver lining in my heart. 
And there is room in our Inn. 
For Jesus.

May your heart be filled with joy and the wonders of this season. Keep your flame glowing. 
Heart on Fire, Friday! 

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, I am changed by your spirit. Amen.