Heavenized Sunday

Heavenized Sunday

Nothing better than waking up to a gentle Fall rain. Riley was up a little earlier than normal and that just made more time for us to enjoy a cozy morning.
Sometimes spending the morning not doing much provides perspective.
Coffee and watching the rain with Riley – priceless.
After a yummy breakfast and watching a powerful church service, I see Riley is ready for his first nap of the day!
🐾🐾 πŸ’€ πŸ’€ πŸ’€πŸ’€ 🐾🐾.
He is so ‘clinomania’!
– – – – – – – – – .
Heavenized Sunday, all day long.
And today is so ‘ rudeneja’for me.
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You know how I feel about ‘words’ Β They are so powerful. You can use them to build up people vs tearing someone down. Sometimes we might feel powerless; but boy, the power we yield with kind words.
Because the words we speak become the house we live in.
Hey, it’s okay to have different opinions and disagree – we are all unique and different. But it’s so not okay to spew hateful words just because someone’s thoughts differ from our own.
It’s as simple as being ‘kind’. To one another and to one self.
Don’t let this world harden you. It’s probably hard to find anyone who hasn’t been hurt by a death, a divorce, a loss of a job – the list can go on and on and on. Catastrophe events happen. Life is fragile.
Words matter.
Oh I love a good joke. And don’t get me started about my family and our Sunday football ‘trash talk’. Β All week long, I am trying to be so classy and respectful and Sunday football rolls around.
Well you know a girl’s got to hone her skills, HA!
Go Cowboys!
Sunday nite football will be here soon.
A little cooler weather, a little rain, a little football and a lotta baking time before kick-off …..
Yeah, this Sunday is definitely been Heavenized.
Oh, I have a gift to see into the future – and pumpkin bread is definitely in it. Yum!
Hey, I won’t pretend to have the answers. Oh, but I do know that life will continue. I thank God for getting me here and I am not about to quit living yet. I like who I am. Flaws and all. I will continue to take an active role in my life, definitely not ready to sit on the sidelines. Β Well maybe for a (Cowboys game) but probably not, I would be pacing like a coach and giving out TD high fives!
Well, Riley just woke up for his mid-day snack. It’s time to light the candles, put on my apron and get this house smelling like pumpkin spice!
It’s Heavenized Sunday, all day long!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for this Fall day. May I always use my words and my voice to spread kindness and love to me and everyone. I hear your whispers, I feel your presence. Amen.