Hope, Always Always

Hope, Always Always 

If there is one thing I learned from my mom, is that there is always hope. And if there is one thing to lean into during this season of Covid19, it is my faith.
Hopeful Faithful, always always.

Yes, I miss attending Sunday services and yet I am so grateful that I get to listen to it on-line. Yes, I miss breaking bread with my family, (I know we will sit across from each other again) and yet I am so grateful for those that deliver groceries and meals.
Small businesses are suffering and people’s paychecks are reduced or disappearing and these are things one cannot just ignore and yet I choose to approach this horrible reality with a positive attitude vs one of despair.
(Tough times don’t last – Tough people Do)
Social distancing can be tough for many and stuck inside with family is also testing relationships.
It’s important to maintain a routine. My morning prayer/meditation/mindfulness time continues to be one of the most important routines for me. I learned how to accept and be quite comfortable in solitude. Solitude brings mindfulness and that allows me to see and really take notice of the wonders of God that are all around me and right outside my back door.
I respect the threat of this virus. I am doing everything I can to avoid it. And more importantly I know that any discomfort because of it, will pass.
Our human strength has always been what fortifies us.
Yes, I miss going to the gym …… so my living room has become a mini Aerobics studio.
Yes, I miss going out to eat at restaurants …… so I order meals from some of my favorite restaurants. Yes, I miss hugging my family and friends …… so we talk and text with virtual hugs knowing this is temporary. Yes, I miss taking my little Riley for a play date at the park …… so we play a game of chase in our  backyard.
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Extreme adversity shows our real strength and humanity.
So while it may feel that this time of uncertainty will be forever, I know we have what it takes to get past it.
Hope, Always Always

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie