I Am My Own Witness

Good Morning y’all!

I Am My Own Witness ……

What, you say ……

she has lost it this time, HA!

Aha …… you are listening ……

stay with me soulmates.


I am always looking at life differently,

yep everyday.

Now why wouldn’t we all ……

Of course, I may wake up some days feeling a little more creak in my step, well that is once I am able to arch my back, straighten up a bit …… to take that step, hahaha!

It usually brings out a chuckle in me because as I am thinking about how stiff I feel, I then look over at Riley. His eyes sparkle, he jumps over and is ready to start the day.

If you don’t have a Riley, get one …… stat.


A furry member of the family makes your life ……


So, today

Be Your Own Witness!

Be Strong Be Beautiful

Be Yourself

Witness it all

I still laugh at myself because I think I am as strong as ever, as beautiful as ever, fearless as ever and definitely as sassy as ever!

Do I have it all figured out ……Ha, no way.


I Am My Own Witness!

As we are one day before Easter, my spirit is uplifted. My soul is on fire.

He Will Rise

Now go out there


be who you want to be and be who you are.

See them as the same person.

Witness your success!

God is great.

Riley and I are just about ready for take off. Come join us. There is plenty of love here and maybe a little warm toddie!

My cup runneth over.  (Psalms 23:5)


Riley the Scottie

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