I am the Same-I am Not

I am the Same – I am Not

No, I don’t have heat stroke, although when I came in from my morning walk …… well, let’s just say, it’s §^*-“ HOT out there.
Which made me start thinking …… uh oh!
‘I went to the bookstore and asked the sales person, where is the self help section? She said if I told you, it would defeat the purpose.’  George Carlin. 
Now that is too funny and got me thinking ……
Change is not simple nor easy. I don’t worry about getting older, I just want to be around to witness and enjoy it. Walking in the mornings (on hot coals) teehee, reminds me that it is my sole responsibility to make my life work. Even in retirement, I take direction and leadership as the ultimate act …… for me!
So yeah, I courageously push the door open and take into my own hands many feelings and experiences (success and failures) knowing that these actions belong to only me.
Wow, not always easy to hear, huh?
I know that it’s my personal responsibility ‘for and to’ myself and it is at the very core of personal change. Which is why change is not simple or easy.
So yeah, my love of routine is important to me and yet I have this inner force that wants change. Some would say their inner force wants to stay the same, and either which way you are …… the struggle is ‘real’.
The struggle (force) inside that holds us back; it’s too hot, my shoulder feels like an elephant sat on it, I’m too old or I’ll start tomorrow are real forces that hold us back. And then I realize I have the force inside to change.
I am the Same – I am Not
I embrace and cherish sameness and change. I don’t believe you can have one without the other. And I also believe that as I continue to incorporate both in my life, the changes I see in myself are more sustainable, Boom!
I am the Same – I am Not
Wishing some sameness sprinkled with some changes, just for you today.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie