I marvel at the beauty of Life!

I marvel at the beauty of Life!

It starts when I wake up and see my little fur boy, my precious Riley. He is so sweet that most days he sits or lays patiently until I am ready to get up.
Some may think that being content in life is ‘settling’. Get real, people. Being content provides those ‘happy’ hormones.
I get to enjoy all the moments of retirement. Either big or small, planned or not. I know that for some retirement may seem like a daunting experience. I was one of those that wondered what I would do without a busy hectic day of meetings and things to do.
Oh the joy of not being jolted out of bed by the alarm. Knowing that I can get up at any time that I want …… ahem, or Riley wants.
Watching the sun rise from the patio is so much nicer than seeing it in rush hour traffic.
And the sense of freedom knowing that I can stay up as late as I want without any dread the next morning.
Oh yeah, office politics, performance reviews, endless meetings, annoying co-workers, budgets- ugh, and I don’t have to schedule my vacation time around some pre-set schedule or the schedule of others.
Please, don’t get the wrong impression, I did love my job/career. I cared a whole lot for the people and clients and I know I was darn good at it. Great memories for sure and some life long friends –  bonus!
And yet, I also know that I care a whole lot about me.
I am definitely much calmer and at peace. I have found a different perspective, a sense of freedom and yes fulfillment beyond words.
Of course getting older brings on a different set of challenges and yes retirement changes your life. I like many realized that living a sedentary life is definitely not a good way to handle retirement. (I still think covid contributed to that for many, myself included). But as I learned, I am never too old to make a change and get back on track.
I definitely believe there are many more positives than negatives to retirement. Their is the freedom to control my life and my time.
I can be more spontaneous. I can decide to get out and run errands, grab lunch, take Riley for a ride or maybe just hang out on the patio all day.
Retirement allows me time to spend on pursuits that bring joy and beauty to my soul.
I marvel at the beauty of Life!

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie