I See Orange in my Future


I see Orange in my future!

I know, I know, that it is still a little to early to bring out all the orange fall stuff but when you wake up to temps in the 70’s and not the 80’s ……

It makes me get excited!

Just thinking about harvest colors and the upcoming fall season.

Yep, I’m kinda nuts about Fall.


Oh don’t get me wrong, having coffee on the patio in shorts and flip flops is certainly a blessing, but when fall comes and I might need a little blanket with me ……

Oh my Ghord …… I love Fall!

I am not sure who coined this, but it’s sooooo funny,

‘Fall is the season between full sweat and hypothermia’.


You see what happens when the temps fall below 100 …… teehee.

So even when the official first day of Fall is a month away …… a girl and her Scottie can dream …… in all shades of orange for sure!

Summer is not gone yet and I am forever thankful I got to witness all the beauty it holds, but pumpkin spice on everything is just around the corner so get ready to put on your vest …… harVest,

and jump into your


and remember

to always always give them

pump-kin to talk about!

I see orange in my future!


Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie