I totally got this!

Some days I wake up and I feel small ……

and no not because I am dieting!

If you know me, diet is not my thang ……

I am going all in!

Not turning back …… ever!

Our universe is so big and we are small little spirits with big souls!

It’s not about money or fame.

It’s about love and kindness.

Some days my heart is bursting,

with so much Joy, I feel I need another one to hold it all!

You know, this thing we call Life.

I totally got this!

Those who wait on the word of God will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. (Isaiah 40:31)


Sometimes the smallest things in life take up the biggest part of my heart!

Baby Riley

So yeah, I wake up some days and feel small ……

But ……

MIGHTY, always always!

Riley and I send you Love from our BIG BIG hearts!


Riley the Scottie

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