Is it Morning Already?


Wake up y’all. Yeah its morning already…….

And you know what, we all have days when we just don’t want to get out of bed. You may be thinking I just can’t face another conference call, another long meeting where no decisions are ever made, another day of complaints, another day of trying to find a parking space, another day of getting everyone else in the house ready for work or school, another day of looking for a new job, another day of what am I going to wear to work, another day of crowded airports….oh yeah I could go on and on and on…….

Been there, done that……….right…….

And right now you are saying……I thought you only write about happy things…..

Well, I’m getting there……..

We are so much alike………and yes, I have days when I roll over and think……ugh….is it  morning already…… it happens…..and, you know what…’s okay. I call them my  ‘off day’.  Some of you may have a different name for them………..and thats okay too……. but I will stick with what I prefer to call them, my ‘off day’.

I believe that life is always teaching us lessons. I look at my ‘off day’ (oh yeah I should say days, it does happen from time to time) as a sign, a signal, a message to connect to myself, listen to my heart, feel my soul.

And then I get up and say to myself;

  • I am Special.
  • I am Original.
  • I am Unique.
  • I am Loved.

And right about now you may be saying…..Really……..

See, you might be having a ‘off day’ too. My point is that it is okay to admit and more importantly to feel a little off. Just look back at all the things you have going on in your life.

Just repeat;

  • I am Special.
  • I am Original.
  • I am Unique.
  • I am Loved.

Make some time today to do something just for you, just for you!

  • Take that nice long bath in the middle of the day.
  • Take your lunch to the park and soak up some sun for an hour.
  • Take the afternoon off and go get a pedi.
  • Take the afternoon off and visit a new golf range.
  • Go for a car ride, open your windows and jam to some music.
  • Buy yourself a bouquet of flowers.
  • Start reading a new book.
  • Buy yourself of box of chocolates.
  • Watch or listen to the Texas Rangers game. (Congrats on winning game 1!)
  • Try a new lipstick color.
  • Try a new hairstyle.
  • Buy a new bra and panty set……(yeah that one you said you would never wear)
  • Watch a romantic comedy movie.
  • Enjoy a cup of green tea with honey.

Now go start your day and be sure to do something just for you, heck do as many things you can just for you today.

Take care of you! Love yourself and warm your soul. Be your own soul pilot today and enjoy the flight!

Riley and I wish you a soulful day and we’d love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof.

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