It’s a Beautiful Day

It’s a Beautiful Day!

Thank you Lord.

When I visit a local garden center and see all the plants and flowers …… the day is going to be beautiful, for sure.

I have always had a deep love and appreciation for plants and flowers …… something I got from my mother …… thank you thank you!

I believe there is an organic sense of optimism in gardeners. Gardeners are kindness to the max …… we love plants, animals, birds and compassion bleeds in us. People who I have met who are gardeners are content with their lives and are less likely to exhibit signs of unhappiness and dissatisfaction.

I mean, c’mon ……

looking into the eyes of my precious Riley, hearing the birds sing from the patio, and watching our plants grow while giving us hours and hours of enjoyment. It’s a beautiful day!

Gardening is an act of love, of the most pure form. Lovers of gardening are loaded with a great deal of patience. It obviously takes a lot of patience to get your hands dirty and spend hours caring for your plants, when you know that for some of these little puppies, it will take a long time for the fruits to appear. (like my ‘sisters’ lemon trees)

But oh so worth it!

Yep, love is flowing through these veins, for sure.

There is something invigorating to me about a little garden time. I don’t know if gardening actually releases endorphins, but something tells me it does. There is a sense of joy and contentment when I am with my plants.

Gardening and tending to my plants provides me hours and hours of love and appreciation for Mother Earth. Oh yeah, it shows how life really takes on many different forms and more importantly, it’s a practice that teaches me to love life in all the different forms that it takes.

Watch it, she is getting deep now ……

well about 6 -8 inches down for our new family members today!

Oh, I love it when I talk ‘dirt’, teehee!

Hot coffee in the morning, iced tea in the afternoon and a little vino after dinner all surround by the plants and flowers of the season on the patio.

It’s a Beautiful Day!

And yes, just in case you are wondering …… I talk to them, sing for them and pray for them every day!

Stop by again and share a beautiful day with us.

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

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