It’s a Wrap, Wednesday


Wait …… What
Oh I can do so much with that …… let’s just see!
It all started this morning as I was wrapped up in my blankie, well actually; it was Riley who was all wrapped up, like …… really wrapped up (my little furry package) …… And Me; feeling pretty comfy under my blankie too.
But before I opened the back door, I wrapped my arms around Riley for his morning squeeze. Of course I had to grab my wool wrap as I stepped out on the patio, quite chilly this morning.
But really, all I can think about is a hot cup of coffee with my egg and cheese breakfast wrap, oh so yummy.
And I see Riley looking up at me as if he is willing me to unwrap one of his Christmas biscuits, yep, he just inhaled his breakfast but I am a softy. I see he has already ripped the corner of the wrap a smidge to sniff out what was inside, fa lalalala, lalalala.
Wait, is that the door bell? Oh my, it’s a little present …… all wrapped up in bubble wrap,  nice wrap job!
Okay, I will save the rest of these biscuits for later but instead of wrapping them in plastic, they will go inside a container, so they are Riley proof.
Yep, It’s a Wrap, Wednesday, all day long!
We’ve got decorations, cards, tinsel (from yesterday) and oh yay …… lots of wrap, teehee!
Oh I could go on and on and on, don’t worry though, I am about to wrap it up for today …… got a lot on my agenda. And of course failure to wrap up at the correct time may lead to …… well lets just say, its not purdy (egads).
I know, it might be hard to wrap your head around all of this,
It’s a Wrap ……. Wednesday!
Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie