It’s a Wrap, Wednesday December 20th

It’s a Wrap, Wednesday December 20th.

Get out there people!
Another glorious day here.
After our last errand of the year (Hallelujah), it definitely feels good to come back home, have a nice breakfast and take a lovely stroll in the neighborhood.
🏡  🎄 🏡
And if the predictions are correct, Santa, Rudolph, and the team will be getting wet Christmas Eve over Texas. But it’s suppose to stop by Christmas Day, so that will be real nice for the rest of us.
Hey, be sure to leave some extra Christmas cookies out for them!
I leave mine on the counter just to be sure a little smart Scotty doesn’t over indulge. Ha!
Speaking of indulgence; I tasted my first bite of chocolate peppermint bark this week and well let’s just say –  mouthwatering. Definitely pacing myself with all the goodies that are December traditions.
‘We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasure’, Thorton Wilder.

Remember to sing your ‘life song’ loud. I hope you can hear mine.
If you ever feel powerless, listen to your heart. That is where our true power comes from.
Some of these days may be challenging. That’s when I find the ‘me’ that I never knew!
As the music is filling the rooms in our home and the Christmas tree is sparkling I know that each moment granted us is a gift and an opportunity never to take for granted.
So finish up those errands, buy the yummy food, hug your dog, taste that sangria and always always dance while you sing your life song.
because ……
It’s a Wrap, Wednesday!