Jog in the Rain, yes please

Jog in the Rain, yes please
I mostly walk and then save a jog for my victory lap, however today I didn’t quite time it between the down pouring of rain we have been getting but I gotta say, Jog in the rain, yes please. 
I was throughly soaked when I got back home and I loved it. I see people jogging in the rain and have kinda thought it was a little nuts, (tbt) …… not anymore. 
It’s just water, me likey. 
And besides that; I Can! 
Of course I might need to invest in a different pair of shoes, oh my! 

Well also because I never miss having a little wine and dessert (most days), so my morning walks have become even more important. 
But then, wine is my spirit animal so what’s a girl gonna do, teehee. 
So many ways to look at the rain, for sure. And even though the skies can certainly turn off the spigot for us anytime now, I do love rainy days. 
Gotta go, gotta look up some running shoes to sit next to my cute rain boots! 
Wishing you a beautiful Wednesday. 

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie