July 1, 2023

July 1, 2023
Summer Days  –  two of the most beautiful words spoken! 
Goodbye June, Hello dear July! 
Please be good to me. 

We’ve kicked it off already with several pool days and oh the tanned skin has returned! 
And what a lovely treat starting the month with a much cooler morning. Perfect for a little garden TLC. 
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Why yes, a 2 cupper morning with a healthy homemade breakfast bowl and a little patio time! Hey the music has started. 
Summertime dancing  –  never gets old.
(No matter your age, people)
(Hey, if the ant hills aren’t high in July the coming winter will be hard) 
No but seriously. 
Some of my best memories are made in ‘flip flops’! 
(Also known as the glass slipper of the south)
July – nothing says Freeeeedom more!
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Funny how the month full of sweat and insects is also filled with enthusiasm, optimism and high spirits! These days of fun in the sun, summer-time food and drinks and yes, the grass is always greener on my side!

Summer, I welcome you with all my heart. 
❤️ ☀️ ❤️

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie