Kool Girl Friday Y’all!!


Hi y’all,

It’s Kool Girl Friday …… Now what kind of Kool girl are you?

Kool Girls come in all shapes and sizes ….. remember …..  you are One of Kind !

And your Kool!

I thought I would share some Texas Kool Girl rules to live by…….

  • There’s always an excuse for shopping….. Ha!
  • Tights are not pants
  • Respect yourself
  • Life is better when you are laughing
  • Stand up for other girls
  • Dream big
  • Keep faith
  • Stay mysterious
  • Be kind, always
  • Don’t lose your sassy
  • Be confident
  • Love yourself

Happiness is an inside job, believe in yourself, love yourself, always always!!

I wish you a Happy Kool Girl Friday. Go spread your sparkle with others today, it will warm your soul.

Riley and I send you love and kindness.

We’d love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof ??.

Co-Pilot, Riley the Scottie
Riley the Scottie

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