Lets Sparkle Thursday

✨ Lets Sparkle Thursday✨
C’mon, we all have sparkles ……
uh oh, did someone spike my coffee this morning, teehee!
Seriously, I had to wait a little later to indulge in my morning brew but makes no matter, the sparkles just keep shining. Hey, if I told you what all I got done by noon today, you would probably need a nap, Ha!
A girl’s gotta do – what a girls gotta do!
And besides, I do try to keep my thoughts on the sparkly side.
Glad to be able to witness another day, for sure.
Riley and I enjoyed our walk. And even after all the items got checked off my to-do list, I was so happy to realize it’s Thursday and not Friday.
Talk about Sparkles shining through! Because tomorrow is going to be another glorious day and I am ready to show my flowerbeds some love. Some things didn’t make it through the frost, (insert tears)  but that just means I need to start thinking about spring plantings …… me likey!
Flowers and plants, oh my …… they get me as excited as a nice pair of heels (well, more like flip flops now a days).
Oh, but don’t you worry …… this ol girl hasn’t gotten rid of all her heels, even if Riley is the only one who gets to see me in them, (wink wink). I still sparkle on. Boom!
So c’mon people, what are you wearing today? There is always a reason to sparkle. Put on your favorite top, pants, or shorts. Maybe its your favorite pair of shoes, a pair of earrings or a special chain. Maybe it’s something special and only you can see it and feel it. (🔥) Maybe it’s showing off that tattoo. Whatever it is, pair it with your biggest smile!
Everyone will need sunglasses!
Now, I know that we all face real issues and life will certainly throw us some fast balls. Putting on your favorite shirt or shoes will not remove an issue that one is going through. However, I do believe down to my soul that ones thoughts can be heavy, gaudy and overwhelming or we can choose our favorite color or way to express ourself, yeah, like a piece of jewelry …… and be beautiful and bright today.
Go ahead, move the needle of your heart …..
Sparkle On!
Lets Sparkle Thursday, y’all!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie