Look No Further

Look No Further!

It’s this very moment in time.
Everyday is better than the one before. I wake up each day full of hope and faith.
Even when days are full of busyness and noise there is nothing better than this moment.  I close my eyes and see memories of such a wonderful life. Oh sure there have been bumps and potholes and yet I know who is a constant on the path with me.

The pain, the joy all wrapped in love are gifts.
So blessed to get to this time in my life, and although I am hopeful for many more years to come, I know the people I have encountered so far have touched my life. Providing wisdom and lessons taught during my journey.
Of course life will age you, And if you know me at all, then you know I believe me (you) have the most powerful ability to assist in our own well being. Oh there is so much more to experience.
Open my eyes, my mind, my heart and love my life.
So yeah, I look back with gratitude and hope for the future.
Nothing stays the same, thank goodness. So much to look forward to!
Look No Further!

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, Thank you for this precious life you have given me. I know you got me covered. I am filled with gratitude for the past and will cherish the future moments and days to come. Amen.