It’s winter solstice!

The winter solstice is the shortest day and the longest night of the year. The winter solstice is today and was official @ 4:23 pm for us in Texas!

The primary intention of most winter solstice celebrations is to release the dark in favor of the light (the old in favor of the new) and to welcome back the light as each new day begins to grow longer and longer.

So magical!

Oh yeah, Full Cold Moon baby!

This winter solstice is also a full moon, whoa!

The moon will appear full even though the ‘technical full moon’,  is not until Saturday, December 22nd.

And although the full moon might make it difficult to see the Ursid meteor shower, or a shooting star, I will definitely be looking UP UP UP tonight.

Oh yeah baby, I will be welcoming back the light, as each day gets longer and longer!

Oh what Fun!


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