Look Up Up Up tonight.
You have all heard about the Christmas Star in the sky tonight, (unless you have been living under a 🌲) lately.
Winter Solstice and the Christmas Star, oh my!
The two largest planets in our solar system, Jupiter and Saturn will look like two bright stars that are almost touching, as seen by the naked eye.
Be ready, because it will all happen just after sunset in the southwestern sky on December 21, 2020 and will take place low to the horizon. There can be no wasted time because the two planets will sink below the horizon about 45 minutes after sunset.
It’s actually called ‘The Great Conjunction’.
What is so special about this conjunction? Well – it’s the first time in about 400 years that the two gas giants have appeared this close in the night sky at the conjunction. It’s the first time it’s been this close – and at night – in about 800 years.
The Christmas Star will not appear for another 60 years.
And there are ‘shooting stars’ from the Ursid meteor shower between December 17-26, 2020, but these events peak on the night of December 21/22, 2020. The Moon will be close to first quarter so will set about midnight, which is the best time to get outside and look up.
After tonight (Winter Solstice), our days become longer, yipee!
There are beautiful shooting stars lighting up the skies and yes, Christmas Day is Friday!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year.
Nothing but Peace , Love and Joy raining on us!
Blessings from our home to yours.