Look Up Up Up Tonight

Look Up Up Up Tonight!

Double treat tonight; fireworks and a full moon, oh my!
It’s been building up over the weekend and tonight hopefully you get to enjoy the full moon.
Full Moon, Buck Moon, Super Moon.
Definitely a nite for rituals and intentions.
Between old and new, this is the first full moon of the summer season. And for many a busy evening with 4th of July activities.
If you haven’t started a full moon ritual; it’s never too late. Even if you are among friends and family, take some moments tonight if thats all you have for some ‘alone’ time.
Ask yourself, is your vessel supporting the goals and intentions for the next half of the year. Do you need some sweeping and a little refresh in certain areas.
(We all do from time to time)
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What is a full moon?
A Full Moon occurs when the sun and moon are opposite each other. This creates a sense of tension. It’s when the sun shines the most light on the moon. The Sun is our conscious and the Moon is the unconscious. So it’s an ideal time to LET GO and to bring the dark into the light to be released.
Kinda like plucking out those old weeds in our garden that have been hanging around. It’s time to make room in our soul for the new light.
Nothing like starting the 2nd half of the year with a clean slate, a new list of goals, dreams, desires.
It’s not the time to beat yourself up over things. It’s time to look at the path differently. Adjust your focus is maybe all that is needed.
This is the time of year when the buck’s antlers are strong and most prominent. Be a buck tonight; stand strong and confident under the full moon.
Step into your personal power!
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸