Love Your Pet Day!

Love Your Pet Day!

❤️ 🐾🐾 ❤️

Pets come in all shapes, size and types, for sure. And many of us consider them members of our family. I have to admit that I believe there is something special in the bond you create with your pet.
My little co-pilot, Riley has most definitely made our home …… a home!
Pets have super powers; they can make your whole life better, just by being who they are.
Riley and I may speak a different language but our connection is deeper than I know I will ever have with a human.
Oh yeah, my best friend has furry paws.
And, he likes to cuddle …… Bonus!
Riley is my bundle of love …… wrapped in fur.
To sit with Riley on the patio …… well, that is paradise. No agenda, no opinions and no words are even spoken …… true peace.
He knows no evil, he never complains and he just wants to be loved.
My journey in this life is all that much better because of my little furry co-pilot.
That is 100% true!
And I thank God everyday for this beautiful life and the very special gift he brought to me …… called Riley.
❤️ 🐾🐾 ❤️

the Scottie