Lucky and We Know It

Lucky and we know it! 🐾🐾

I heard my mommy say the other day that if she had a dollar for every time I make her smile she would be a millionaire over and over again! Well you what ……… I am very lucky ….. she loves me and my BFFF!

My BFFF (best furry friend forever) Trigger (I usually call him Trig or sometimes just T …. he likes it!    OH YEAH WE ARE LUCKY 🐾🐾

We get to hang out together, go to our favorite park, oh yeah we do love car rides too ….. (and T is getting use to mommy’s singing) ….. well sorta!

Some nights we just hang out watching movies ….. that’s fun too, woof woof.


Well maybe sometimes, I doze a little during movie time!

So yeah, we are lucky!

We get to enjoy the simple pleasure of a walk, run and play daily, know what unconditional love really is and most of all feel like we are really really part of the family, woof woof!

And just in case you have not seen this on an earlier post, T does likes to go play in the water after it rains. If you did not catch it, check it out now ……

Now does Trig know how to have fun or what?

And as you know,  I am not really a ‘water’ dog …… so don’t call me a momma’s boy or something silly like that …. I love bath time!

So yeah, sometimes you don’t need words to feel better, you just need the nearness of your dog!

Awaken your soul, get a dog!

Sending you love, kindness and wet noses, from me and Trigger!
