Magical Monday


Magical Monday y’all!

What a glorious morning, indeed.

Yep, Riley and I woke up to a little thunder & lightning and we did our happy dance!

Well, he did his out in the rain, I stayed on the patio …… teehee.

Hey …… we live in Texas ……🇨🇱 …… It was 104 on Saturday!

So a little rain is a true blessing, thank you God.

And yep, my coffee is so good when it’s raining. ☕

So on this beautiful and magical Monday, I am truly counting all my blessings and giving thanks for the ones yet to come.

I hold on tight to the one who knows me.

Take a moment today and do not ask for anything ……

now give thanks for all that you do have.

Listen to your soul. It knows.

The weaker I get, the stronger I become.(2 Corinthians 12:20)

I will be obsessively grateful!

Always Always

I am no different, than many …… I have seen and felt heartbreak. But I will tell you from personal experience …… Stay the course to witness and feel the beauty of life.

I will always follow Jesus.

And I am not ashamed of who saved my soul.

Through him my heart is anchored. ⚓

We woke up to a new day and we have everything!

(Thank-you, God)

This life is a true blessing,

thank you from me and Riley, always always.


Riley the Scottie

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