Make It Matter, Monday!


Hi y’all!

Can you believe it ….. Christmas is almost here. ???

Just 4 more nights before Santa makes his cross-country trip …….santa-with-sleigh-1032559__180On this last Monday before Christmas, Make it Matter!

If you are going in to the office this week ………

  • Bring in some Christmas treats for your co-workers!
  • If you haven’t given your boss and co-workers their Christmas gifts yet, it’s never too late to order them a special gift basket!IMG_4942
  • Take a gift basket of goodies to the girls at your beauty salon!IMG_5261
  • If your out to dinner this week, leave an extra tip and a Christmas note for your server!
  • Finalized Christmas day recipes, check your pantry and refrigerator for all necessary ingredients.
  • Stock up on all beverages needed for Christmas morning Mimosa! So easy!


  • Plus any spirits for your special Christmas dinner! ???
  • Stock your hot cocoa bar!
  • Finalize Christmas Day activities and share with guests!
  • Pick up your 4-legged family member’s Christmas gift!

    Woof Woof Basket ??
    Woof Woof
    Basket ??
  • Tidy guest rooms and clear clutter!
  • Listen to Christmas music!
  • Take time to enjoy your home, decorations, family and drink hot cocoa together!

Make Monday Matter!

Spread your sparkle today wherever you go!

Keep your heart soft and your soul warm!

Be Kind, Be Merry, Be Thankful!

Riley and I send you love and kindness with sprinkles and we’d love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof! ??

Co-Pilot, Riley the Scottie
Riley the Scottie


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