Marvel & Wonder Wednesday

Marvel and Wonder Wednesday!

With Christmas and all the holidays of the season fast approaching, it is truly a blessing to take the time to appreciate all the marvel and wonder around.

As I sit out on the patio today (December in Texas is shaping up nicely), with my trusted co-pilot, Riley, I am so excited that we are spending our 2nd Christmas in our forever home together. Riley turned 5 a couple of months ago and I will be turning, (Ahem, oh the number doesn’t matter), teehee …… in a couple of months, oh my. Let me marvel at all of that!
Annnnnnd, (🎶 trumpets sounds 🎶)

I now have two sisters living in Texas. Oh I will marvel forever on this one!

Blessings for sure.

I know every day is a gift. I know the glorious work and wonder of  God is everywhere.

Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone works wonders. And blessed be His glorious name forever; and may the whole earth be filled with His glory. (Psalm 72:18-19)

As I look forward to celebrating this season with old traditions and create some new ones, there is an overwhelming feeling of love, it’s everywhere!
I will never take for granted the time I have been given or the daily reminders to live in the moment. I use to think, I always had more time. Now I know that time and moments really do rush by …… which is why it’s so important for me to savor them all!
Waking up to a new day – savor.
A little morning exercise – savor.
Morning breakfast with my sister – savor.
A place to call home – savor.
Patio time with Riley – savor.
My health – savor.
My family and friends – savor.
My quiet time each day with my Bible -savor.
Oh the list is endless, for sure.

As life goes on, I want to honor the One who makes it all possible; God. I want to honor Him with my thoughts, my deeds and in my heart. Humility and gratitude have a way of opening us up.

I hope you take the time to live in the spirit of this holiday season. This time of year is most definitely a gift.
Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie