Masterpiece Monday

Masterpiece Monday  y’all

Oh My!

Sometimes I  think that it will be hard to beat yesterday ……


Nope,  not today baby.

I have learned to pursue my Joy!

Relish in it, Speak about it and most of all Cherish it.

Do you ever take a visionary vacation ……

Guilty as charge here!

Duh, like everyday ……

because day dreams are like tiny little strategies.

So yeah, pay attention to those thoughts & ideas.

You never know what kind of masterpiece they will become.

Just like you!

So remember this my dear friends …… no regrets in life, just lessons learned.

I always take time each day to give thanks.

I find that silence is a place of great power and healing for me.

It reminds me that I am a Masterpiece, just like you!

God is Great.

So make today your Masterpiece Monday ……

Because life is too short to believe that you are not a

Masterpiece being!

We become what we think ……

So I have developed a pattern of positive thoughts and beliefs that has helped me create a life of magnificent good feelings.

Something I believe, it’s just part of my DNA, from my momma, thank goodness!

She also taught me to be who I am, and not what the world wants me to be.

Of course being born an Aquarius/Pisces cusp says a whole lot too!

Which happens to be the most mysterious cusp of all ……HA!

I am very sensitive & have an attraction to the intangible from my Aquarius side and I am very spiritual and compassionate from my Pisces side.

How cool is that!

Did I mention, it’s

Masterpiece Monday …… all day long.

Yep, and I could talk about it all day long …… teehee

Because, life is so grand,

and it’s my life ……

I will edit it often and without regret,

because after all,

it is my Masterpiece …… booyah!

And you know what, you can be a work in progress and a masterpiece all at the same time.

Now go master your thoughts and you will master your life.

Sending you love and blessings, always always.


Riley the Scottie

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