Memorial Day 2020

🇺🇸 Memorial Day 2020 🇺🇸

Oh yes, this Memorial Day will be celebrated very differently. Of course we all have tried and true traditions that we long for and yet there are still ways to celebrate without compromising others.
Of course I want to see friends and family and barbecue ….. it’s Memorial Day! It’s the unofficial first day of summer, sitting on the patio, sharing a cool drink with others while soaking up the sun. And I will still be able to do these things, with a twist. Many of us continue to make difficult social decisions and we want it to end. Yet, we continue to listen to the medical experts on the need for social distancing …… well some of us more than others.
I believe I will remember this holiday weekend like no other, it’s historic for sure. I am so grateful that my ‘quarantine bubble’, me and my sisters,  will witness another holiday together as we remain safe and healthy.
And mostly, I will remember who we are honoring on this day.
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So while most Memorial Day parades and public ceremonies have been canceled, there are other ways you can still remember those who died while serving the nation. Each national cemetery will still conduct a wreath laying ceremony along with a moment of silence and the playing of Taps, which will be livestreamed on the National Cemetery Administration’s Facebook page.
You can also pay tribute to a service member at a national cemetery by leaving a comment online at the Veterans Legacy MemorIal.
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For the first time in its 31-year history, the National Memorial Day Concert will be held virtually. The concert, hosted by actors Joe Mantegna and Gary Sinise, will feature the US Army Chorus, the National Symphony Orchestra, among others. It will be livestreamed on, YouTube and Facebook at 8 p.m. ET.
While we can still honor this important day, the way we celebrate may look different.
Be safe, stay healthy and remember what this day is all about.
‘FREEDOM makes a huge requirement of every human being. With Freedom comes Responsibility.’ (Eleanor Roosevelt)
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Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley the Scottie