Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday Momma

Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday Momma
Such a special day.

You know the rarest of people are born on December 25.
Happy Birthday Momma.
Although you are not here physically for another birthday, your presence is felt, today and everyday.
Christmas day is always filled with so many memories of you. I remember that you made the holiday season so special by filling it with love and excitement for our family. You are most definitely the queen of December, forever.
I know that you are still dancing and laughing up there while keeping watch over me. 
 And that our heart will always beat as one.
Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday my sweet momma.
Missing you and all my loved ones in heaven, this Christmas ….. and always.
Rosemary and Riley too.
❤️ 🎄 ❤️