Mistletoe Monday, December 11th

Mistletoe Monday, December 11th.

Life is short and precious …… let’s go the next few weeks with gratitude and less chaos.
Three more Mondays and we are in a new year, wow!
Even more reason to try to go through this season with gentle optimism.
Last night’s Cowboys game was a wonderful treat. Not only winning the game but against a very good team in our division. Talk about peaking at the right time! The next few games will not be easy and I wish for favorable outcomes for sure.
Riley and I had a fire going and honestly he slept through a lot of the game, me; I could hardly sit still. Let’s just say the alcohol that was consumed did not disrupt my sleep.
Winning – the perfect solution to a solid nite of sleep.
And as morning started, of course Riley and I had a dance under the mistletoe to commemorate the game and start a new day full of joy.
I whispered to Riley, ‘I don’t need mistletoe to kiss you’ and,
yet I promised to meet him under it each day this month!
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It gives me chills in anticipation for Christmas.
I know that the magic of Christmas is not in the presents but in His presence.
Remember, that each of us is an inn keeper and decides if there is room for Jesus.
Take a moment next to your tree and look up to the Father’s face and tell him you have received His Christmas gift.
Feel the warmth entering and lighting your soul on fire.

It’s Mistletoe Monday.
Blessings from our home to yours.

Dear God, Please help me embrace this holiday season with calm, patience and hope. If I ever start to feel low, help me focus my energy on the newness of the days, weeks and year ahead. May I always remember the gift of life and be a hero in my own story for the time I have been granted. Amen.