Monday Bliss

Monday Bliss
Is there anything better than a rainy Monday …… just the best excuse to stay in and cozy up on the couch and watch movies!
Oh, and I walk outside to the patio and ‘petrichor’.
Afternoon coffee and a little reading time as the rain comes down – priceless!
I accept the rhythm of the rain. Sometimes it gets a little loud and other times, its a light symphony.
It’s crazy that some of my summer flowers started to bloom again. The season just keeps getting better. It pays that I have push back some of my fall cleanup. Some of the plants are not quite ready to hibernate.
Why yes, I am one of those ‘Pluviophiles’.
I know many may not get as excited as me about the rain.
It wasn’t always this way. I used to be one of those that would whine about the rain and dampy days …… oh not anymore!
I actually smell the scent of rain and who cares if my hair gets a little wet. Plus, we don’t get rainbows without the rain.
And I get to wear my cute rubber boots too!
So yeah, rainy days are the best.
It’s not as if nothing gets accomplished. Oh no. Sometimes rainy days are very very productive. A little organizing, a little baking/cooking, a little TV, a little reading and quiet contemplation time.
And sometimes, rainy days provides the much needed time to focus ‘inward’. Live in the moment, appreciate, reflect and grow!
So as the smell of the candle permeates throughout the house and Riley is napping on his blankie …… I am in
Monday Bliss!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie