Monday Blooms

Monday Blooms! 
It’s another beautiful day in Texas.
Yep, temps soaring in the low 100’s and our heat advisory is still activated. 
Which of course is why I water my plants and flowers in the morning. And afterwards a little rocking time with my coffee as I enjoy the colors of the garden. It’s like it is singing to me. 
Just like my spirit needs to be watered and nurtured with the word of God. 
My garden asked for a little water and nurturing too. 
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Gardening does takes work. It takes love, patience and energy. 
It’s definitely heating up around here but we have not reached the ‘dog days’ of summer quite yet. You know those days of July and August where the natural enemies that prey on our gardens like insects and relentless heat that most certainly will test my resolve. 
But I believe something in our DNA that goes back to the original garden, is part of a gardener’s soul. 
Seeing the beauty of blooms bursting through; ravishing, elegant, aromatic and simply amazing. 
Monday Blooms! 
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Riley still sits on the patio overseeing me as I am watering and grabbing any new weeds that have sprung up …… but soon he will wait inside and will probably be thinking; she is cuckoo.  Ha! 
And yet I can so relate to my planted pots and flowers in my garden. 
They need daily watering. And as the summer builds up, it’s a twice a day event. Sorta like my heart. 
I need Gods word to water my heart and soul.  And many times more than once a day. Yep, I grow best with frequent watering of His word. 

In life and in gardening there are some simple rules to live by: 
Shed Light; open the windows and doors to your heart. God is the gardener of my heart. 
Check Location; check the location of standing, sitting and walking as a spiritual person so you remain on solid ground filled with nutrients. 
Discard the Weeds; weeds can sneak up on us. Don’t be inactive and let them entangle and take root in your garden. 
Prune; cutting away branches or limbs can be painful and yet necessary to ensure healthy growth returns, season after season. 
Give Thanks & Enjoy; it goes without saying that I give thanks to God for his love and protection of our home and garden. Some mornings with a little garden music from my playlist and some with the music from nature. 
It’s Monday Blooms! 
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Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie