Monday Greetings, December 18

Monday Greetings, December 18.

It most definitely is a pinch me kind of day. Only seven more nights till Christmas.
Oh my, the month of December goes by way too fast.
Last night I went through some old photos. Like way back when Riley was just a puppy and I brought him home.
It’s so important to take time to cherish those moments. I remember all the moves we made together before landing in our own forever home. I remember our plane rides to visit family. I remember each birthday.
I remember all the family and friends that have been in our life and still are!
As I sit each day in prayer and meditation, I remember how this season brings a range of emotions. Yep, that’s me laughing and crying (happy tears), because with each passing day I am so grateful for …… everything.
All the life lessons and experiences.
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I mentioned before, this month is a TV news-free month. I do keep up with some light reading. Kinda hard to say it’s light reading with all that is going on in the world.
And then I realize that I must return to ‘peace’.  After all, if everyone went to their ‘peace’ and used kindness as their weapon, oh but what a wonderful world we could become!
I will never stop believing that kindness and hope are the future.
Don’t let the busyness or the hole in your wallet overtake the opportunity for love, fun and kindness to family and friends this season.
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Take time today to find your peace.
Prioritize healing in your life and for your family. Make kindness the path of your existence. After all, we cannot expect kindness in others if we do not practice it ourselves.
Take time to look back at old pictures and memories ……
and then,
Look ahead!
Our moments are so fleeting.
So yeah, make it a priority to go slow this holiday season. I for sure will be present. I want to look back next year and remember the beauty and magical moments because I am blessed to be alive and know that any struggles that arise will too pass.
I will manifest this for me and you also.

Dear God, Thank you for being present in my life and giving me those gentle nudges. Help me remain in the present and savior the gift of right now.