Monday Magic

Monday Magic

I love waking up to the birds singing outside my window. When the Fall season finally showed up and the windows are open, it’s like magic …… to my skin, my eyes and definitely my soul.

There is something about hearing the sounds of nature first thing in the morning. That and the sounds of Riley’s morning yawn always brings the first giggles of the day!

Butterflies hovering over the flowers while I sip my warm coffee, I do cherish the calm and quiet of mornings …… magic.

My focus is on the many blessings …… always always. Oh sure, things happen; even bad things …… it’s life. Only now I look to the only One who I know is with me in good times and bad. And I have found that in whatsoever state I am in …… Focus on the blessings.

When there is no clash between my mind and what is …… magic. Just think about that …… when there is no clash between my (your) mind and what is ……Magic!

The peace of God.

In every morning; rain or shine, in every season; warm or cool, there is so much beauty …… and magic!

What are the loudest words you hear each day …… Mine are His.
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked.For whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. (Galatians 6:7)

The magical times of the day are truly dawn and dusk. And as the Monday morning magic runs into the afternoon magic, I know that there are so many reasons to give thanks to the Source of it all.

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie