Monday Morning Glory!



Hi y’all!

Oh yeah, I know how you feel ……….

Sometimes I wake up & roll over …….. is it Monday already ……

Well of course I have this furry four-legged little guy that likes to put his wet nose right in my face so no matter what day it is …… he reminds me to get my (@#$*&^$) up and start the day!

So today and yes it is Monday …….. we send you Monday Blessings!

So when crazy life gets me down ….. I remember to step outside, sit in silence for a few moments and look up and around and remember how amazing life really really is!

Family, Friends, Freedom ….. wow I am truly blessed.  I am so grateful!

So yeah, get up, shake it up, don’t forget your morning dance and create positive energy for you and those around you today.  Think It …. Feel It …. Speak It!

So make a special promise to yourself ….. Here’s mine …..

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle thrown your way. Don’t give up, ever!

So girls ….. may your coffee be hot and your eyeliner be even!!  It’s a new day, be kind, be thankful and warm the souls of everyone you meet today.

Riley and I send you love and kindness and wish you a Beautiful Monday, woof woof .??

Co-Pilot, Riley the Scottie
Riley the Scottie

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