Monday Morning Glory

Monday Morning Glory!

Hey after an awesome Cowboys win last nite …… nothing but good vibes today.
It was a perfect Sunday nite for football; Christmas tree lights sparkling, fire inside flickering in and out, a glass (or more) of festive wine and a win to remember!
Oh Riley let out a few sighs during the game, since I was disturbing his ‘REM’ time. But I knew he would just sleep in a little and he did.
Of course it’s a glorious Monday, ya’ll!
Quiet morning coffee is spectacular by our Christmas tree. Temps so mild today, we finished out on the patio.
I think today is a good day to fill our home with the smells of spice pumpkin bread. Afternoon tea will be heavenly, for sure.
This can be a crazy busy time as the holidays are fast approaching. I hope you take some time to savor these moments, even little snippets of joy this month.
Enjoy a little tea with dessert. Watch one of your favorite movies. Take your dog for a walk. A nice hot bath by candlelight. Snuggle on the couch in your favorite pjs and robe, this list could go on and on and on.
Delight in the now!
Oh, what’s my favorite dessert …… a slice of Joy, please.
Wishing you a Monday Morning Glory day!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for another glorious Monday. May the joys of this season continue to live inside of me. Amen.