Monday Morning Glory

Hello, Monday,

in all your glory!

Starting the week by attending Sunday service ……

waking up to a beautiful Monday morning,

 is proof that life is magnificent ….. for sure.

Sunday service reminded us that we are as close to God; that we want to be. And when we believe that God is our friend …… it is not hard to do what He values.

I don’t believe in luck. I believe in Jesus.

I am saved by His grace. And I know,  it’s a gift. And I also know it’s just the beginning.  Repentance and my faith in Jesus Christ will lead me to salvation.

My faith isn’t a temporary movement. It has changed my life. In good times and bad, it’s here to stay.

Do you ever feel like you have spiritual forces walking through life with you …… I do! They are my reminders, my guides and provide clarity.

 Put on the full armor of God. (Ephesians 6:11) Be prepared for wiles of the devil.

This week has begun with many blessings. This day has begun with so much love.

God is within her, she will not fail. (Psalms 46:5)

As the sun makes it’s appearance, my soul is ignited.

Thank you God for your amazing power and work in my life. Thank you God for all the gifts you have given me in my life. Thank you for the ability to defeat the power of the enemy in my life through my sacrifice of praise.

It’s Monday Morning Glory,


all I want to do is sing and dance, Hallelujah!

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

💙 Go Cowboys! 💙