Monday Morning Glory

Monday Morning Glory

You know that feeling that nudges you to get up and start the day ……
Oh, wait a minute …… it’s furry, black, has four legs and a tail …… and he is staring at me as if to will me out of bed.
Well, it worked!  And I can’t wait to start our day.
I am thankful for these summer mornings in Texas when there is a crispness in the air. I still need a sweater or light blanket on the patio with my morning coffee. And truth be told, even when our days begin to heat up and the crispness is long gone, there is still something about morning alone time that soothes me. 
With all the unrest in the world, if there is one thing that keeps me grounded and hopeful, it is the time I spend alone with my bible and prayers. 
Monday Morning Glory
oh, and it doesn’t just happen on Mondays!
Well, yes today is Monday, and it’s June 1st already …… my oh my …… 
As I continue to count my blessings, Riley by my side, I remain so grateful that God continues to fill my heart with His love. I feel a sense of belonging. He brings me to a place where time and age do not exist. 
I yield to Him and He provides the strength I need. I know that nothing will come between God’s face and mine. 
He is a permanent resident. He has the keys to our home. 
Monday Morning Glory.
Blessings from our home to yours. 

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie